2014 Amalgamation

In 2011, Grammar Carlton entered into talks with the Teachers Eastern Rugby Club to consider a merger. Teachers Eastern had been struggling for players for its flagship teams for a number of seasons and in 2013 did not field a premier side. Grammar-Carlton had a large and growing player base, but had run out of room for expansion at its Cornwall Park headquarters.

Steering Committees were established for both clubs over the 2013 year with some ‘nuts and bolts’ of the merger discussed and agreed to in principle. Both Teachers Eastern and Grammar Carlton brought important factors to the table and it was agreed that a ‘marriage of equality’ would be entered in to.

The summary amalgamation booklet can be viewed here

After respective AGM’s in October 2013 by the Grammar Carlton and Teachers Eastern Rugby Clubs, the Grammar TEC Rugby Club Inc was constituted on 1st November 2013. The merged Grammar TEC Rugby Club is one of New Zealand’s largest Rugby clubs with 10 teams competing in Auckland competitions in 2014 and close to 1,000 juniors registered to play. Grammar TEC has three sites in Auckland, including Orakei Domain, Cornwall Park and Shore Road.

A ten strong merger committee equally representing both former clubs was established to consolidate the newly constituted Grammar TEC (Teachers Eastern Carlton) Rugby Club. A new constitution was acknowledged and accepted by the Companies Office with the official name of Grammar TEC Rugby Club Incorporated adopted.

The new Grammar TEC constitution can be viewed here

It is important to note that the Grammar TEC Rugby Club is served by a Management Committee not a Governance Board, meaning the club operations are the responsibility of the committee. Grammar TEC however has some key personnel in important functions to ensure tasks are completed.

Some critical operational items needed to be prioritized for the 2014 season, including a new constitution, facelift for the Orakei Domain facilities, new playing jerseys, new club colours, new club logo, detailed administration procedures and logistics plan for fields.

Ten senior teams representing Grammar TEC registered for Auckland wide competitions in 2014 and on 18th April, 2014 Grammar TEC hosted its first Auckland premier competition home game at Orakei Domain against its oldest rival Ponsonby and comfortably won 29 – 12, heralding a successful new era for Grammar TEC Rugby.

The 2014 Grammar TEC playing uniform design can be viewed here